Sunday, December 26, 2010

How to Make Rice, According to Facebook. . .

I am about to actually write a blog post for the first time in half a year, but some people may need the back story behind it.  Since not all of my readers are Facebook users (and since my profile is private, they wouldn't be able to see the exchange),  I am posting the back story below. (The format is a little off.  I haven't figured out how to capture a screenshot of a scrolling window on my Mac, so Cut and Paste had to do.)

(Cut and Paste wound up being a bigger pain than I thought, as I still had to go back, out of courtesy for my friends and family, and delete last names and other identifying info, such as photos.)

For the back-back-story, click here:  A White Girl's Mexican Fiesta

So, I'm about to dare to try cooking rice again. (We're out of Minute Rice.) SUGGESTIONS????? PLEASE?????
September 13 at 5:16pm · Custom: loading... · ·

    • Marcie  Wine!
      September 13 at 5:26pm ·

    • Emily
       walmart brand boil in a bag
      September 13 at 5:29pm ·

    • Phouvanh
      Do you have a rice cooker? If you don't than use a regular pot. How ever much rice you want to cook make sure filled about 1/2 or 3/4 inches of water above the rice. Use your pointing finger to measure. If the water is between 1st and 2nd line of your finger than it should be good. When the rice absort all the water then low the heat and keep the pot covered at all time so the steam cook the rice. Make sure you check it often to see if the rice is cooked to your satisfaction.
      September 13 at 5:32pm ·

    • Phouvanh
      Tri Market on ##th and _____ or drive to my house and get some!!
      September 13 at 5:34pm ·

    • Leslie Clark
      Marc- two steps (glasses) ahead of you. :)

      Emily- I'm out and we are broke until Wednesday. I failed in "planning ahead." ;)

      Wanh- I love the thought of coming and getting it from you. I know you haven't been my Facebook friend long, but stories about failed attempts at rice (and pretty much any cooking) are legendary. I'll try again with your tips. I have one of those microwave rice cookers, but I bet you are talking about the really cool ones that plug in, aren't you? my stories about failed attempts at rice (and pretty much any cooking) are legendary. I'll try again with your tips. I have one of those microwave rice cookers, but I bet you are talking about the really cool ones that plug in, aren't you?

      September 13 at 5:39pm ·

    • Cindy  Do baked potatoes?
      September 13 at 5:48pm ·

    • Hilary
      Who needs all that starch anyway. Note for the future...ya know the frozen vegatables that you steam in the bag in the microwave...they have rice like that too.
      September 13 at 5:57pm ·

    • Claire
      What part of minute rice are you not understanding?
      September 13 at 6:06pm ·

    • Phouvanh
      Yes! but do you live close to any Asian Restaurant? They sell steam white rice for a couple of dollars and they usually give a lot.
      September 13 at 6:06pm ·

    • Leslie Clark
      Ummm. . . does Pei Wei qualify as actual Asian? I didn't know they would sell just rice. Of course, being 2 days before payday, I can't do that, either. That's why I'm stuck with the regular bag rice. . . all we have left!!
      September 13 at 6:18pm ·

    • Tosha
        Ya my last try with rice didnt go very well either good luck!!
      September 13 at 6:22pm ·

    • Bryan
      Order in! Cook by phone recipe!!!
      September 13 at 6:24pm ·

    • Victoria
        Microwave popcorn and call it a night ;-D
      September 13 at 6:32pm ·

    • Leslie Clark
      Tosha, rice is my holy Grail. There is no way I will go to my grave having failed to ever cook it properly. Though it seems to be coming out ok so far. I'll let you know!
      September 13 at 6:34pm ·

    • Phouvanh
      Pei Wei? Sound Asian to me! Can you follow my first instruction on cooking rice? If you are not confident then call me ###-####.
      September 13 at 6:35pm ·

    • Audrey  So how did it go? I keep telling you to call me when you are making rice.
      September 13 at 7:14pm ·

    • Leslie Clark
      Well, it definitely is my best effort yet! The problem is that the husband didn't believe the steam would cook it and kept turning the stove off when I wasn't looking. He thought it was going to burn. But it cooked evenly (never had that... happen) and was still edible, if a little al dente. :)

      Wanh- here are my questions for next time: 1- do you ever stir the rice? 2- Is it possible to boil too much of the water out before you turn the heat down? Or do I want the water pretty much gone?

      Audrey- It was literally a last minute decision. I had been planning to make potatoes before I discovered they had gone bad! But I am for sure going to try again this week.

      September 13 at 7:30pm ·

    • Audrey
        well, let me know and I will come over.
      September 13 at 7:33pm ·
    • Tosha  Ill have to try those tricks...I only tried rice once and it was awful..the hubby was nice enough to lie and tell me it was good...but i thought it was terrible.
      September 13 at 7:35pm ·

    • Phouvanh  ‎#1 you don't need to stir the rice.
      #2 yes. Iit will burn during the low heat stage.

      September 13 at 7:37pm ·

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