Wednesday, August 6, 2008

So Much for Going to Bed . . .

So, I crawled into bed at 11:00, SO happy that I was in bed at a semi-decent hour for the first time in a week. I closed my eyes after saying a short prayer that I would sleep through the night, or more appropriately, that the DOGS would sleep through the night.


So I sat up and turned on the cute little book light I bought so as not to disturb my husband and read for a bit.


So I got up and attempted to find something of value on TV. Of course, there was nothing worth watching so I did 20 minutes of Wii Yoga.


So here I sit, at 1:08 AM, for your reading pleasure. Funny thing about insomnia . . . you can't get cocky with it, because just when you think you have beat it, that you are over it, you are CURED . . .

BAM! You're awake at 1:09 am.

So let me gripe a bit about the classes I'm taking in the fall. Many of you already know my distaste for the fact that for a TECHNOLOGY MASTERS DEGREE I had to take a class in beginner's Microsoft Office.

Pleh. If only I'd known. . .

If only someone had told me that this fall I would be taking a course with the required textbook of "Microsoft Office 2007-ADVANCED," I will ALSO be taking a course with a required textbook of "Microsoft Office 2007-POST ADVANCED." Seriously. Now I certainly do not know everything there is to know about Office, but when I signed up for Educational Technology, I expected a lot more than how to use office productivity software. Where is SoftChalk? Stixy? Visual Thesauraus? iBreadcrumb?

Still not tired. Not even a little bit.

So I started wearing Mary Kay again. I have the worst luck with Mary Kay sales consultants. I am now on my fourth one. Now that I think about it, I have pretty sorry luck with hair stylists, too. I followed one for several years as she moved from place to place before temporarily disappearing off of the face of the earth. Then I found a great one in a town 45 minutes from here, which was fine back when gas was 1.50 a gallon. Then I found the first one. Then she up and sold her salon with no warning. I have no idea where she is. So I found yet another one, and she broke her arm. So I am on my 4th hair stylist, too!

Still not tired. I'm going to go tag your myspaces.


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