I can honestly say that this is the first time I have ever truly taken time at the end of a year to reflect on the past 12 months and look ahead to those that are coming. Maybe it's because 2007 was such a rough year. (Wherever I end up tonight, I am taking my 2007 calendar with me and tossing it in the air at midnight tonight. I will probably stomp the crap out of it, too.) Or maybe it's because I turned 30 this year and am for the first time realizing that I am an adult. Whatever the reason is, I've done a lot of reflecting and anticipating this week.
Good things have happened this year. We finally got a new preacher at our church . . . and he is AMAZING! I can't wait to see how the Lord blesses us through him in 2008. I had a great fall semester at work, and I began my Master's Degree. I don't know what I'm going to do with it, but I began it.
I have a tendency to carry things with me long after carrying them has ceased to be useful. I don't want the disappointments of 2007 to carry into 2008. So, after much talking with friends, prayer, and reflection, I have decided (with the help of a friend) that the only way to keep from looking back is to set myself some goals to look forward to. I've set nine so far. (Yes, Chelsey, I thought of another one!!) My goal (no pun intended) is to set ten. Some I want to keep to myself, but here are a few of them:
-As suggested by Milt, I want to read my Bible 5 minutes a day, 5 times a week.
-I want to create a reading list, and actually read all of the books on it. I plan to use friends' Facebook and MySpace sites to help with this list, so post those books!!!
-Run in 2 5K's.
-Re-do my living room . . . floor, walls, EVERYTHING!!
-Get close enough to finishing my master's degree that I can complete it in the summer of '09.
-Blog at least once a week.
So there's half of my goals. When you see me, ask me how one or more of them is going!!
I wish all of you a happy and blessed 2008 . . . and to 2007 I say, "Be gone and never invade my thoughts again!"
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