Monday, June 28, 2010

Health and Fitness Blog

I mentioned months ago that I was starting a 2nd blog devoted solely to my efforts to be fit and healthy again.  That blog is not linked to my Facebook as this one is, but I thought I would post the link to the latest post to my 2nd blog here to share:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Just Random Thoughts. . .

I FINALLY shook a chest cold I've been fighting since April and got to head out in my new running shoes.  I HATE having to start from scratch with exercise, but I sure felt better, even though my stats weren't very good according to my standards.  I jogged one mile, and then wogged (walk+jog- thanks Audrey!) the mile back.  Took me 26 minutes.  Again, not very impressive according to my standards for myself, but 2 more miles than I have walked or jogged in one set period in a long time.  I'm sure part of the problem over the last two months is that I would wait until I almost felt well enough to run, go ahead and run, and then end up sick again. 

Forcing myself to start off slowly has been the hardest part.  Being a former athlete, I still have a hard time ridding myself of that "nothing less than 110%" attitude that coaches force down your throat.  It is hard to learn as I get older that my body's 110% isn't the same now as it was 15 years ago, or even 8 months ago, so every time I start an activity I have to force myself to go slower than I think I should. 

Of course, I was pumped to get up this morning and discover a high of 77, meaning I could actually go for an afternoon, outdoor run.  (My motivation issues include not liking to run on a treadmill, and being a dreadfully NON-morning person.)  When I started my run, it was clouded over and sprinkling, and I was STOKED!  Of course, about 1 minute and 6 houses into my run, the clouds passed over and the rain stopped, leaving the sun to beat down on my for the rest of my session.  But still FAR, FAR better than 97 degrees in direct sun. 

Now I just have to remember to EASE back into this so I don't end up sick again.